General Anaesthesia

We offer general anaesthesia for our nervous patients on the Central Coast.

Are you extremely anxious about your upcoming dental treatment? The experienced dentists at our Lake Haven practice on the Central Coast can recommend general anaesthesia to ensure your complex dental procedures are completed with minimal discomfort to the patient.

General anaesthesia also means your dentist can complete more procedures than are generally possible in the dental chair, which will reduce the number of appointments you’ll need to complete your dental treatment.

When is general anaesthesia used?

General anaesthesia is often used for complex dental procedures such as the removal of severely impacted wisdom teeth or for a range of procedures that may be required as part of a full mouth rehabilitation.

General anaesthesia can also be a preferred option if you suffer from serious anxiety and may be otherwise unable to endure dental procedures. You will feel no pain while under general anaesthesia.

general dental aneasthesia

What is involved in general anaesthesia?

Extensive health tests will be carried out to ensure you are eligible to receive general anaesthesia. If you are suitable for the treatment, the general anaesthetic will be administered by qualified medical professionals in hospital. You will simply fall asleep and be unaware of the dental procedures that are being carried out.

When you awake, you will need someone to take you home and it is advised that they stay with you for the next 24 hours while the anaesthetic is completely eliminated from your system.

You’ll then visit our Lake Haven practice for a follow-up examination to ensure the dental procedure was completed successfully and is healing as planned.

Where is general anaesthesia administered?

Our dentists are certified to operate at Hunter Valley Private Hospital and general anaesthesia is administered by the largest Medical Specialist Anaesthetists’ group in the region. We also have access to a specialist Paediatric Anaesthetist if a child requires general anaesthesia.

Get in touch with our Lake Haven team to discuss general anaesthesia treatments and options. We’ll ensure your treatment goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible.
